Stanford Showcases Scourge of Bureaucrat-Driven Ideological Intolerance
There’s no denying that tuition costs at top universities have skyrocketed to unreasonable levels. Many argue this is the direct result of the government taking over the student loan business and removing the incentive for schools to control costs. If that’s the case, where is all this extra money going?
Well, the money isn’t going to teachers or student services. Instead, it’s mostly being used to build a growing administrative state of activist bureaucrats. Unfortunately, these bureaucrats are not only a financial drain, but they’ve also actively tried to reshape these schools in troubling ways.
Many schools have created entire departments under the heading of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), which — despite their virtuous goal — are increasingly dedicated to fostering an environment of indoctrination and ideological intolerance. A 2021 Heritage study found that the average university now has 45 full-time DEI staff members.