AG Report 1.7.2024
Media Record on Biden’s Connections to Hunter’s Business Dealings
Last week, the National Archives released photos from Joe Biden's 2013 visit to China. The photos showed that Hunter Biden was with him on the trip and that they met with Hunter's business associates with ties to the Chinese government. What's most revealing about this is that Joe Biden has extensively denied any involvement in Hunter Biden's business dealings, despite extensive evidence to the contrary. These photos definitively undermine those denials. Yet, as Drew Holden presents in a detailed thread, much of the press regurgitated these false denials without much scrutiny. Given that Hunter Biden was engaged in influence peddling to foreign interests by leveraging his father's position, this should have been a major scandal and a continuous story. Instead, it was mostly treated as a partisan attack and dismissed until now.
The Rupar Effect Strikes Again
A frequent occurrence on political social media is that someone posts a partial clip or a clip with a misleading caption to push a specific partisan narrative, and the clip ends up going viral, misinforming a ton of people. I call this the Aaron Rupar effect because he has often been behind such waves. This tendency is a bigger problem on the left because of how many journalists exist within a far-left bubble, thus picking up and spreading such narratives.
This exact scenario unfolded on Monday concerning an encounter between Senator Deb Fischer's husband and Vice President Kamala Harris.