AG Report 1.18.2024
Political Reporters Confuse Reagan Pale Pastels Reference for Sexist Attack
It’s an issue that most political reporters mostly exist within a liberal bubble.
That’s the only explanation for why multiple political reporters were not aware of the phrase “pale pastels” when Ron DeSantis invoked it in last week’s debate. The phrase was often used by Ronald Reagan to argue for emphasizing clear differences relative to his political opponents. NBC News’ Ali Vitali, clearly unaware of the historic usage, embarrassingly insinuated that the reference must have been a sexist attack on Nikki Haley’s wardrobe.
Media Violates Rules and Basic Ethics to Declare Trump the Winner in Iowa
The way the press consistently behaves irresponsibly to try to be first to break a story is a central part of what undermines their credibility with the public. This week they did it as it relates to the Republican primary. The news networks have specific rules for elections that require them to wait until polls close to make calls in order not to interfere with the voting still occurring. Yet they all violated the spirit of that rule to declare Trump the winner of the Iowa Republican Caucus before many precincts had even votes. There is no way to know if, or to what extent, that decision affected any votes, but that doesn’t change whether it is unethical and irresponsible to do so. It also undermines faith in the electoral process.
How meaningful will a Republican primary voter in Iowa think their vote is when they get an alert on their phone that says the outcome before they even had the chance to vote?